The Hobart Blues Club hosts a regular event at The Republic Bar and Cafe, 299 Elizabeth St, N Hobart, at 7:00 pm on the first Tuesday of each month, except when otherwise advised.
President: Dave Hall
Vice-President: David Newell
Secretary: Nigel Andrews email
Treasurer: Tony Polowy
General Committee: Peter Allan, Dave McKay, Simon Andrews, John Tomlinson, Owen Taplin[/vc_column_text]
Want to support the Blues in Hobart ? You might like to join the Hobart Blues club.
Membership subscription – membership falls due 1 July each year, and the following pro-rata applies:
1 Jan to 30 June in the same year : $10 single, $15 Family
1 July in one year to 30 June in the following year: $20 single, $25 family
Download Membership and renewal form